John Davidson

Adding multiple values to same key in array php


I want to add multiple values into arrays, for same key.
I have this code:

    public function getOnlySellers()
$sellers[] = array();
foreach ($this->getProducts() as $product) {
$product_id = $product['product_id'];
$getseller = $this->getSellerbyProduct($product_id);
$sellers[$getseller] = $product_id;
return $sellers;

Here I have for example: seller 1 with values: 100 and 101
Seller 2 with values: 107

But on my code, on seller 1 for example, is showing only last value 101, but not both.
What is wrong ?

And the call code:

    $call = $this->cart->getOnlySellers();

foreach ($call as $seller => $products)

$show = "$show <br> $seller has value $products";



My Answer:
>products as $product) {_ if ($product['seller']) {_ $sellers[$product['seller']][] = $product;_ }_ }_ return $sellers;_}_This code will create an array where the keys are seller names and the values are arrays of products associated with that seller. If a seller has multiple products, they will all be added to the same key in the array.

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