John Davidson

arrays - Displaying php mysqli query result with one to many relationship



Process Skill
Process A Skill_1
Process A Skill_2
Process A Skill_3
Process B Skill_1
Process B Skill_2

My Answer:
To display the PHP MySQLi query result with a one-to-many relationship, you can use an array to store the data and then loop through the array to display the results. Here's an example code snippet to demonstrate this:

// Assuming you have already executed the MySQLi query and stored the result in $result

// Initialize an empty array to store the data
$data = array();

// Loop through the query result and store the data in the array
while ($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) {
$process = $row['Process_Skill'];
$skill = $row['Skill'];

// Check if the process already exists in the array
if (!isset($data[$process])) {
$data[$process] = array();

// Add the skill to the process in the array
$data[$process][] = $skill;

// Loop through the array and display the results
foreach ($data as $process => $skills) {
echo "Process: $process
foreach ($skills as $index => $skill) {
echo "Skill " . ($index + 1) . ": $skill
echo "

In this code snippet, we first initialize an empty array `$data` to store the data. We then loop through the MySQLi query result and store the process and skill data in the array. Finally, we loop through the array and display the results, grouping the skills by process.

You can customize the output format as needed based on your requirements.

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