John Davidson

Building an game with Electron and a website, but how can i open the electron app with a button on the site? PHP Based



Im trying to make a game, all webbased. But im using an electron application for the game client. But is there a way for opening the electron app by clicking a button?

Usercase :

1 User login on the website
2 User press Go to game client
3 Browser gives you a pop up Do you want to open $Name client?
4 it opens

I know that you can do that with the exec command, but not everyone installs the game in the same directory. So can you give it a unique ID ?

My Answer:
One way to achieve this is by using a custom protocol handler in your Electron app. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to implement this:

1. In your Electron app, register a custom protocol handler. This can be done in the main process of your Electron app using the `protocol.registerHttpProtocol` method. For example:

const { app, protocol } = require('electron');

app.on('ready', () => {
protocol.registerHttpProtocol('mygame', (request, callback) => {
// Handle the custom protocol request here

2. In your website, create a button that links to the custom protocol handler. For example:


3. When the user clicks the button, the custom protocol handler will be triggered in the Electron app. You can then handle the request and open the game client accordingly.

4. You can pass a unique ID or any other parameters in the custom protocol URL. For example:


In the Electron app, you can parse the parameters from the URL and use them to open the game client with the specific ID.

By following these steps, you can open the Electron app with a button on the website and pass unique IDs or parameters as needed.

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