John Davidson

c++ - Issue Sending Post Data To PhP


The Library Im Using:


if (register($_GET['username'], $_GET['password'], $_GET['hwid'])) { ... }


    http::request* result = http::post("https://xxx/api/handle.php?t=", data);

printf("%s", result->text.c_str());

I would like to add running this on a local server works just fine, having issues with livenet since thats what our teacher wants.
Also the issue is sending the post data. Manually entering post data / sending with fiddler work just fine. Any Ideas?

(Ive also used $_POST didnt work aswell)

My Answer:
"", "username=myusername&password=mypassword&hwid=myhwid");_

The issue with sending post data to PHP in this code snippet is that it is using the GET method instead of the POST method. To send data using the POST method, you should use the http::post function instead of http::request. Additionally, you should pass the data as a string in the format "key1=value1&key2=value2" to the http::post function.

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