John Davidson

c# - Upload file to server(Unity)


So I have looked at the unity document and some tutorials on youtube, I managed to create a localhost server and put some data on the server. Right now I can download the file that I have uploaded.

My problem is how to upload to the Webserver, when I upload the string I want to upload, the debug.log show success. However, when I opened the file on the server, the string I uploaded didn't write into the 123.txt file.

What I'm trying to do here is upload a string/JSON file to the server and download it, I am able to download it but not upload it. Some tutorials online show some PHP scripts, is it possible that I upload a string to the server and automatically turn it into a txt file and stored?

I try to set the path to http://localhost/Project/, which I want to do is to store the string or JSON file to the Project file. However, it results in Http404Notfound. If I do http://localhost/Project/123.txt, it is a success for upload. But the data I uploaded didn't get written into the 123txt file.

What should I do from here?


IEnumerator Upload()
WWWForm form = new WWWForm();
form.AddField("myField", "myData");
byte[] myData = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("This is some test data");

using (UnityWebRequest www = UnityWebRequest.Put("http://localhost/Project/123.txt", myData))
yield return www.SendWebRequest();

if (www.result != UnityWebRequest.Result.Success)
ServerResult.text = www.downloadHandler.text;
Debug.Log("Form upload complete!");

I'm able to download a picture that I manually drag and drop to the server.


private void GetTexture(string url, Action<string> OnError, Action<Texture2D> OnSuccess)

private IEnumerator GetServerTexture(string url, Action<string> OnError, Action<Texture2D> OnSuccess)
using (UnityWebRequest unityWebRequest = UnityWebRequestTexture.GetTexture(url))
yield return unityWebRequest.SendWebRequest();
if (unityWebRequest.isNetworkError || unityWebRequest.isHttpError)
DownloadHandlerTexture downloadHandlerTexture = unityWebRequest.downloadHandler as DownloadHandlerTexture;
//Debug.Log("Received: " + unityWebRequest.downloadHandler.text);
//ServerResult.text = unityWebRequest.downloadHandler.text;



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