John Davidson

Can i trigger a function with an argument from a key value pair array in php(Laravel)


I don't have a lot of experience in Laravel and PHP, So the question may feel childish to you. But I am sorry, I'm really stuck here.

I am able to trigger the function 'showThis()'


protected $listeners = array('customer-list' => 'showThis', 'payments-dash' => 'showThat');

But I need to trigger the function 'showThis($x)' with an argument like

protected $listeners = array('customer-list' => 'showThis(cl)', 'payments-dash' => 'showThis(pd)');

But I got an error :
Unable to call component method. Public method [showThis(cl)] not found on component: [main-body]

Please help me with this. Actually, I am trying to implement a dashboard with a sidebar. The sidebar has options to emitTo() through livewire and trigger the function to render the concerned part.

My Answer:
> Yes, you can trigger a function with an argument from a key-value pair array in Laravel using Livewire. Here's an example of how you can do it:

1. Define the function in your Livewire component:

public function showThis($value)
// Your logic here

2. Add the function to the `$listeners` array in your Livewire component:

protected $listeners = ['customer-list' => 'showThis'];

3. Trigger the function with an argument from a key-value pair array in your Livewire component:

$this->emit('customer-list', ['value' => 'your_argument_here']);

This will trigger the `showThis()` function in your Livewire component with the argument `'your_argument_here'`.

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