John Davidson

Can media files like JPG or MP4 natively contain script tags like <?php or <script... as a part of their encoding? (They can get close at least)


I'm coding an image uploader in PHP. It will allow the user to upload JPG and PNG images on a website. Next will be MP4 videos (as in the picture linked). Most importantly, my aim is to make this uploader as secure as possible.

( As a side note if you're interested, the uploader currently:

  • Checks the file type

  • Rewrites the original filename completely

  • Limits the file size

  • Uses getimagesize() to check if the file is an image

  • Removes execution rights of the file from all users )

File content checking:

For instance, it's clear that inserting malicious PHP or Javascript code into a .JPG or any other file is very easy. Because of this, I've also prepared my uploader to remove all tags like '<?php', '<style...' or '<script...' from the contents of each file.

That seems to fix one problem, but does it create another? For instance, this media file (please see the linked picture) contains characters like '<?ph'. This totally harmless, non-functional '<?ph' is obviously generated programmatically without ill will. So are several ? > tags that can be found in the same media file. I mentioned this just to lead you to my real question:

Does something prevent JPG, PNG and MP4 encoders or other related programs from generating full <?php, <style..., <script... and other tags into the files? We got close without trying, so I think it's fair to ask.

If nothing is preventing that, then I should find better methods to deal with malicious code in media files. And even if my remover worked, I'm still interested in the "right" ways of doing it.

I hope my question wasn't too broad as I mentioned multiple file types. Any help is highly appreciated. Many thanks.

Bonus question: What about PDF, WEBM, FLV and other common media files: can they natively contain such full tags?

Can media files like JPG or MP4 natively contain script tags like <?php or <script... as a part of their encoding?

My Answer:
No, media files like JPG or MP4 cannot natively contain script tags like


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