John Davidson

Check if file name contains IP address and get the free file name PHP


I am trying to check if files in a directory contain a specific ip address. If the IP address is not found in the file name I want a file with the not found IP adress in the file name to be moved there.

Here's my script:


function ip_range($start = "", $end = ""){
$start = ip2long($start);
$end = ip2long($end);
return array_map('long2ip', range($start, $end));
function check_filename(){

$ip_address_list = ip_range();
$dir_files = scandir("/mnt/dumps/");
foreach($ip_address_list as $ip){
foreach($dir_files as $file){
if($d = glob($ip)){
$fpath = "/mnt/dumps/{$ip}_public.txt";
echo $fpath;
return $fpath;
return $fpath;




But when I execute the script it returns me as example - but a file containing this IP address already exists. That's actually not what I want.

Could you tell me what I've did wrong? Thanks!


I've changed the script:

function ip_range($start = "", $end = ""){
$start = ip2long($start);
$end = ip2long($end);
return array_map('long2ip', range($start, $end));

function check_filename(){

$ip_address_list = ip_range();
$dir_files = scandir("/mnt/dumps/");
echo "<pre>"; print_r($dir_files); echo "</pre>";
foreach($ip_address_list as $ip){
$new_ip = preg_quote($ip);
foreach($dir_files as $file){
if(!preg_match("/^{$new_ip}_public.{0,10}\.txt/", $file)){
$fpath = "/mnt/dumps/{$ip}_public.txt";
return $fpath;


My Answer:

$directory = 'path/to/directory';
$ipAddress = '';

$files = scandir($directory);

foreach ($files as $file) {
if (strpos($file, $ipAddress) !== false) {
echo "File name contains IP address: $file\n";
} else {
$newFileName = str_replace('.txt', "_$ipAddress.txt", $file);
rename("$directory/$file", "$directory/$newFileName");
echo "File name does not contain IP address. Renamed to: $newFileName\n";


This script will loop through all the files in the specified directory and check if the file name contains the specified IP address. If the IP address is found in the file name, it will output a message saying so. If the IP address is not found in the file name, it will rename the file to include the IP address and output a message with the new file name.

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