John Davidson

codeigniter - PHP Call to protected (from another model)::__construct() from context


Please be kind and ask me more information if you need. Please be sure I tried all I could not to create a yet another question

I need access to a method of a model, inside a parallel model.

model class A1;

<?php if ( ! defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed');

class myClassA1 extends Jsonable
protected $myClassA1;
protected function __construct(){

public function getWhatINeed(){
return $this->getWhatINeed;


I need access to A2's model, however please notice A2 is protected class.

class myClassA2 extends Jsonable
protected $myClassA2;

function __construct() {
$CI =& get_instance();


I also tried the construct and the $this->load('model') but I would always get load() on null.

Here is the error message:

PHP Call to protected (from another model)::__construct() from context

Here is the question: Any way around this and use A2 protected method without changing A2 class from protected?

My Answer:
In CodeIgniter, you cannot directly access a protected method from one model to another model. Protected methods are only accessible within the same class or its subclasses.

One way to achieve this is by creating a public method in Model A1 that calls the protected method you want to access. Then, you can call this public method from Model A2.

For example, in Model A1:

class A1 extends CI_Model {
protected function myProtectedMethod() {
// Your code here

public function callMyProtectedMethod() {
return $this->myProtectedMethod();

And in Model A2:

class A2 extends CI_Model {
public function someMethod() {
$modelA1 = new A1();
$result = $modelA1->callMyProtectedMethod();
// Use $result as needed

By doing this, you can indirectly access the protected method from Model A1 in Model A2.

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