John Davidson

Convert C# Code to PHP Code to extract one xml tag from html


i am currently trying to convert this code:

private static String CutOutXML(string resp)
var url = resp.Substring(resp.IndexOf("<div>") + "<div>".Length);
url = url.Substring(0, url.IndexOf("</div>"));
return url;

to PHP, but this isn't working:

$startpos = strrpos($correcthtml, '<div>');
$correcthtml = substr($correcthtml, $startpos);
$stoppos = strrpos($correcthtml, '</div>');
$correcthtml = substr($correcthtml, $stoppos);

i am trying to curl a web url from the internet and i only need one xml tag out of it. I am now trying for so long and i dont come behind it how to do this.

My Answer:
to F:

To convert Celsius to Fahrenheit, you can use the formula:

F = (C * 9/5) + 32

For example, if you have a temperature of 20 degrees Celsius:

F = (20 * 9/5) + 32
F = (36) + 32
F = 68

So, 20 degrees Celsius is equal to 68 degrees Fahrenheit.

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