John Davidson

Convert google TimeOfDay object to string in laravel - php


I'm working with timePeriod object with gmb library

I receive this response

0 => array:3 [▼
"weekday" => "SUNDAY"
"start_time" => {#11764 ▼
+"hours": 10
"end_time" => {#11740 ▼
+"hours": 21

start_time and end_time key can have

"hours": integer,
"minutes": integer,
"seconds": integer,
"nanos": integer

I want to format that time to this format:

0 => array:3 [▼
"weekday" => "SUNDAY"
"start_time" => "10:00"
"end_time" => "21:00"

Sometimes I get an empty array in start_time or close_time because it represent 0 hours (midnight)

0 => array:3 [▼
"weekday" => "SUNDAY"
"start_time" => []
"end_time" => {#13543 ▼
+"hours": 24

I want to transform that to:

0 => array:3 [▼
"weekday" => "SUNDAY"
"start_time" => "00:00"
"end_time" => "24:00"

It is possible by using carbon?

My Answer:
To convert a Google TimeOfDay object to a string in Laravel using PHP, you can use the following code:

// Assuming $timeOfDay is the Google TimeOfDay object
$timeString = $timeOfDay->getHours() . ':' . $timeOfDay->getMinutes() . ':' . $timeOfDay->getSeconds();

// Output the time string
echo $timeString;

This code will extract the hours, minutes, and seconds from the Google TimeOfDay object and concatenate them into a string in the format "hours:minutes:seconds". You can then use this string as needed in your Laravel application.

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