John Davidson

Eclipse for PHP IDE adds some "use const False\MyClass\true;" when organizing import


When using the shortcut Ctrl+Shift+O on my Eclipse for PHP IDE (Version: 2022-09 4.25.0), I have a use line which appears at the top of my class:

use const False\MyClass\true;

The logs show the error Undefined constant 'False\MyClass\true'

It only appears when using true boolean value in the class code.
Here is an example of code triggering the import use statement :

public function addBreadcrumb(string $label, string $route, array $parameters = [ ]) {
$this->breadcrumb[] = [
'label' => $label,
'url' => AppContext::url($route, $parameters)

public function showBreadcrumb(bool $showBreadcrumb) {
$this->showBreadcrumb = $showBreadcrumb;

Can someone help on this, please ?

Just googled the error but did not found anything.

My Answer:
new features and improvements to enhance the development experience for PHP developers. Some of the new features include:

1. Improved code completion: Eclipse for PHP IDE now offers better code completion suggestions, making it easier for developers to write code quickly and accurately.

2. Enhanced debugging tools: The IDE now includes improved debugging tools, such as breakpoints and step-through debugging, to help developers identify and fix issues in their code more efficiently.

3. Support for PHP 8: Eclipse for PHP IDE now fully supports PHP 8, allowing developers to take advantage of the latest features and improvements in the language.

4. Integration with popular frameworks: The IDE now offers better integration with popular PHP frameworks, such as Laravel and Symfony, making it easier for developers to work with these frameworks in their projects.

Overall, these new features and improvements make Eclipse for PHP IDE a more powerful and user-friendly tool for PHP developers.

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