John Davidson

Encounter issues when checking prime number in PHP


if (isset($_GET['number'])){ // Loaded for first time?
$isPrime = true;
// Please enter code here

// I have tried the codes here but idk why it cannot seem to work
$i = $_GET(['number']);
if ($number == 1) {
$isPrime = false;
return $isPrime;
for ($j = 2; $i <= $number/2; $i++){
if ($number % $i == 0)
$isPrime = false;
return $isPrime;
return $isPrime;

// End of code

if ($isPrime) {
echo "<p>".$i." is a prime number!</p>";
} else {
echo "<p>".$i." is not prime.</p>";

} else{
// User submitted something which is not a positive whole number
echo "<p>Please enter a positive whole number.</p>";

// check if the given number is a valid numeric value
// round() rounds a floating point value
function isValid($number) {
if(is_numeric($number) && $number > 0
&& $number == round($number, 0)) {
return true;
else {
return false;

I have tried the above codes, however, I have encountered issues. Please help me out thank you! The codes I have tried are within the // Please enter code here to // End of code

When I run the php file the above image will be shown. The user have to type a number and it will check whether or not the user input is a prime number when user clicks on the "Go!" button.

My Answer:
One common issue when checking for prime numbers in PHP is not properly handling edge cases, such as checking if the number is less than 2 or if it is a decimal number. Another issue could be using inefficient algorithms that take a long time to compute for large numbers, leading to performance issues. Additionally, not properly validating user input or not using appropriate data types can also cause issues when checking for prime numbers in PHP.

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