John Davidson

FPDF/PHP - Adding bottom border to table before next page


I have a form generated by FPDF which creates multiple rows based on the client's payment records. I want it to create a bottom border when it has finished creating the last row in the current page. (See below, just above the page number) Is there an FPDF function for this?

My Answer:
Yes, you can achieve this by using the `SetDrawColor()` and `Rect()` functions in FPDF. Here's an example of how you can add a bottom border to a table before moving to the next page:

// Set the draw color to black
$pdf->SetDrawColor(0, 0, 0);

// Add a bottom border to the last row of the table
$pdf->Rect($startX, $startY, $width, $height, 'B');

// Check if the next row will fit on the current page
if ($pdf->GetY() + $rowHeight > $pdf->GetPageHeight() - $bottomMargin) {
// Add a bottom border to the last row on the current page
$pdf->Rect($startX, $startY, $width, $height, 'B');
// Add a new page
// Reset the Y position for the new page
} else {
// Move to the next row

In this example, `$startX`, `$startY`, `$width`, and `$height` represent the coordinates and dimensions of the last row in your table. You can adjust these values based on your specific table layout. The `'B'` parameter in the `Rect()` function specifies that you want to draw a bottom border.

By checking if the next row will fit on the current page, you can add a bottom border to the last row on the current page before moving to the next page. This will ensure that the bottom border is only added when necessary.

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