John Davidson

Get connection handle details of Oracle resource handle in PHP for debugging validity of connection



I use a function, namely oci_connect, to connect to an Oracle database. Outputting oci_num_rows($handle) displays 0, which does not correspond to another page output that displays a value above 0 which I observe on the same query but possibly different connection information.


I want to output the details of this resource for inspecting why my query (which has been checked for spelling and parameter matching successfully and query parameters present) is returning 0 rows.

I tried echo($conn) but it returns

resource(8, oci8 connection)

to the browser.


How do I output the connection specific details of the resource handle using PHP?

My Answer:
You can use the `var_dump` function in PHP to output detailed information about a variable, including a resource handle. In this case, you can use `var_dump($handle)` to see the details of the Oracle resource handle. This will provide you with information such as the connection status, connection parameters, and other relevant details that can help you debug the issue with your query.

Here is an example of how you can use `var_dump` to output the details of the Oracle resource handle:


By examining the output of `var_dump($handle)`, you should be able to see more information about the connection handle and potentially identify any issues that may be causing the query to return 0 rows.

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