John Davidson

hide a row of table filled dynamically with a button click php-jquery


good evening, I have dynamically filled my table from the database. at the end of each row I have a button.
my idea is : when i clicked the button the row is hidden. I succes to recuperate the id of each row but jquery code does not work and my console doesn't return any error. i don't know where the problem is? or even if the process is correct.

also,at the latest i hope to replace the button with a checkbox but i don't know how to apply my idea with a checkbox

   <table name="table" class="table" border="1">
include 'controller.php';
$controller1 = new Controller();
$res = $controller1->array();

while ($donne = $res->fetch()) {
<tr id="<?php $donne['id'] ?>">
<td> <?php echo $donne['operateur'] ?></td>
<td> <?php echo $donne['machine'] ?></td>
<td> <?php echo $donne['declaration'] ?></td>
<form action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>" method='post' style="display: inline;">
<input type='hidden' id='id' name='id' value="<?php echo $donne['id']; ?>" />
<input type='submit' name='validate' id='validate' value='validate' />



and this is my jQuery code

 if (isset($_POST['id']) && !empty($_POST['id'])) {
$(document).ready(function () {
$("#validate").click(function () {
var i = $("#id").val();
var i = i.toString()
$("#" + i).hide();


My Answer:
Here is an example of how you can hide a row of a table filled dynamically with a button click using PHP and jQuery:

1. PHP code to dynamically fill the table with data from the database:

// Fetch data from the database
// Assuming $rows is an array of rows fetched from the database

echo '';
foreach ($rows as $row) {
echo '';
echo '';
echo '';
echo '';
echo '';
echo '
' . $row['column1'] . '' . $row['column2'] . '

2. jQuery code to hide the row when the button is clicked:

$(document).ready(function() {
$('.hide-row').click(function() {
var rowId = $(this).data('row-id');
$('#row_' + rowId).hide();

3. To replace the button with a checkbox, you can modify the PHP code to generate checkboxes instead of buttons:

echo ' Hide Row';

And then modify the jQuery code to hide the row when the checkbox is checked:

$(document).ready(function() {
$('.hide-row').change(function() {
if ($(this).is(':checked')) {
var rowId = $(this).data('row-id');
$('#row_' + rowId).hide();

Make sure to include jQuery library in your HTML file for the jQuery code to work.

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