John Davidson

How can I get 10 days future date from today in Laravel (PHP)


I'm trying to get a future date from today using PHP.

like date('dS M, Y (D)') returns 21st Jan, 2021 (Thu) (Today)

How can we get a future date from today!

My Answer:
You can achieve this in Laravel using the Carbon library, which provides a fluent interface for working with dates and times in PHP. Here's how you can get a future date 10 days from today:

use Carbon\Carbon;

$futureDate = Carbon::now()->addDays(10)->format('dS M, Y (D)');

echo $futureDate;

In this code snippet, `Carbon::now()` gets the current date and time, `addDays(10)` adds 10 days to the current date, and `format('dS M, Y (D)')` formats the date in the desired format (e.g., 21st Jan, 2021 (Thu)).

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