John Davidson

How do I hide if no value in php function


how do i hide the whole "Conditions: " if the field is empty? i cannot seems to figure out and the code i tried are invalid

echo '<span class="sku">Conditions: ' . get_post_meta( $product->id, '_conditions', true ) . '</span>';

Thanks so much!

My Answer:
To hide the output of a PHP function if it returns no value, you can use an `if` statement to check if the function returns a value before displaying it. Here is an example:

function myFunction() {
// Your function code here
// Return a value if it exists

$output = myFunction();

if ($output) {
echo $output;

In this example, the `myFunction()` function is called and its output is stored in the `$output` variable. Then, an `if` statement checks if the `$output` variable has a value. If it does, the output is displayed using `echo`. If the function does not return a value, nothing will be displayed.

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