John Davidson

How to access php session data inside template files jquery code


I have ajax that calls a php file called "fetch_quarter_limit.php" from template file.


type: 'POST',
url: 'fetch_quarter_limit.php',
data: {
leavefrom: from,
leaveto: to,
empid: emp
success: function(data) {
var quarter_limit = data['myVar'];

In my .php file i have tried to return the session data as an array.
Fetched the required data, stored in session and formed an array.

$_SESSION['quarter_limit_mend'] = $quarterLimit;
$returnVal = array('myVar' => $_SESSION['quarter_limit_mend']);
echo $returnVal;

As shown in above ajax code part, i tried to fetch it, but all i am getting is "undefined" when i output the variable using alert.

Please help.

Ajax code updated, p2 :

Adding dataType is making code not to work.


type: 'POST',
url: 'fetch_quarter_limit.php',
dataType: 'json',
data: {
leavefrom: from,
leaveto: to,
empid: emp
success: function(data) {


As @Tim mentioned i have added custom json encode function to my .php file.
It returns as expected {"myVar": 2}

echo array_to_json($returnVal);

This is returned from php file.
But not able to access in ajax code.

My Answer:
To access PHP session data inside template files in jQuery code, you can pass the session data as a parameter in your AJAX call to the PHP file. Here's an example:

1. In your template file (e.g. index.php), you can store the session data in a JavaScript variable like this:


2. In your jQuery AJAX call, you can pass the session data as a parameter like this:

url: 'your_php_file.php',
type: 'POST',
data: {
sessionData: sessionData
success: function(response) {
// Handle the response from the PHP file

3. In your PHP file (your_php_file.php), you can access the session data like this:


if(isset($_POST['sessionData'])) {
$sessionData = $_POST['sessionData'];

// Use the session data as needed

By passing the session data as a parameter in your AJAX call, you can access the PHP session data inside your template files in jQuery code.

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