John Davidson

how to append a new key and value field in a multi-dimensional array in PHP?


I have an array with the following format.
Example Json for reference:

I want to add "super_parent_id" in each of the childData arrays.
So if childData exists, i need to append super_parent_id to that child array. Similarly if a childData array exists within that array, i need to append super_parent_id to that child array.

I think recursion can solve this issue but I am not sure how to do it.
Thank you.

My Answer:
To append a new key and value field in a multi-dimensional array in PHP, you can simply access the desired sub-array and assign a new key and value to it. Here is an example:

// Sample multi-dimensional array
$array = array(
"key1" => "value1",
"key2" => array(
"subkey1" => "subvalue1",
"subkey2" => "subvalue2"

// Append a new key and value field
$array["key2"]["newkey"] = "newvalue";

// Print the updated array

In this example, we are appending a new key "newkey" with the value "newvalue" to the sub-array with the key "key2". You can modify the array structure and key names according to your specific requirements.

You can also use the `array_push()` function to append a new element to the end of an array. Here is an example:

// Sample multi-dimensional array
$array = array(
"key1" => "value1",
"key2" => array(
"subkey1" => "subvalue1",
"subkey2" => "subvalue2"

// Append a new key and value field using array_push
array_push($array["key2"], "newvalue");

// Print the updated array

In this example, we are using `array_push()` to append a new value "newvalue" to the sub-array with the key "key2".

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