John Davidson

How to append to an array key's value php


Let's say I have an array like this:

[["code1": '528'], ["code2": '292'], ["code1": '108']]

I am looping through the array to check if a specific key exists. If it doesn't then I am adding it to another array:

$arr[$codename] = $code

However, if the key already exists, then I want to append the $code value to the existing key's values. I'm not sure how to do this part.

I want the new array to look like this:

[["code1": '528', '108'], ["code2", '292']]

My Answer:
In order to append to an array key in most programming languages, you can follow these general steps:

1. Access the array element using the key.
2. Append the new value to the existing value of the array element.

Here is an example in JavaScript:

// Define an array
let myArray = {
key1: ['value1', 'value2'],
key2: ['value3', 'value4']

// Append a new value to the array element with key 'key1'

// Print the updated array

In this example, we accessed the array element with key 'key1' using `myArray['key1']` and then used the `push()` method to append a new value 'value5' to the existing array.

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