John Davidson

how to show the shared google calendar on the app ? (php)


i have many clients that share his calendar with me (google calendar), and i want to display the calendar on an App that i create. with the possibility of search by Email of client and than shows his calendar.
there is any possibility to do create this ?

My Answer:
Yes, it is possible to display shared Google calendars on your app using the Google Calendar API. Here is a general outline of the steps you would need to take:

1. Set up a Google Cloud Platform project and enable the Google Calendar API.
2. Create OAuth 2.0 credentials for your app to authenticate with the Google Calendar API.
3. Use the Google Calendar API to retrieve a list of calendars that have been shared with you by your clients.
4. Allow users to search for a specific client's calendar by email address.
5. Display the events from the selected calendar on your app.

You can use PHP to interact with the Google Calendar API by making HTTP requests to the API endpoints. There are also PHP libraries available, such as Google API PHP Client, that can help simplify the process of interacting with the API.

For more detailed instructions on how to implement this functionality, you can refer to the Google Calendar API documentation:

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