John Davidson

How to use a function with several arguments without defining them in advance, with PHP?


i'm searching for a solution in PHP to use a function which can use several arguments without defining in advance the number of arguments. I know there is the function func_get_args(), but it's not quite enough... In my case i have a function that render a template with twig, and I want to give context to the template, I've made that but it's not realy proper beacause if the order of arguments change when I call the function everything is broken...

Someone have a solution?...
Thanks for your time!

    public function render_with_context()
$args = func_get_args();

$context['loged'] = $args[0];
$context['agencies'] = $args[1];
$context['login'] = $args[2];
$context['password'] = $args[3];
$context['active_agencies'] = $args[4];

\Timber\Timber::render('views/admin.html.twig', $context);

My Answer:
You can use the func_get_args() function along with a loop to dynamically assign the arguments to the context array. Here's an example of how you can modify your function to achieve this:

public function render_with_context()
$args = func_get_args();

$context = [];

foreach ($args as $index => $arg) {
$context['arg_' . $index] = $arg;

\Timber\Timber::render('views/admin.html.twig', $context);

With this modification, you can pass any number of arguments to the function and they will be dynamically assigned to the context array with keys like "arg_0", "arg_1", etc. This way, the order of arguments won't matter and your function will still work correctly.

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