John Davidson

How to use Google translate to translate strings.xml files to other languages in php


I'm using Google translate to translate strings.xml files to other languages from English. But translating more than 1000 lines one by one takes too much time. Is there an easy way or code to do this?

How do you translate your xml contents to other languages?


<string name='title_home'>Home</string>
<string name='title_dashboard'>Dashboard</string>
<string name='title_notifications'>Notifications</string>
<string name='title_information'>Information</string>


<string name='title_home'>Zuhause</string>
<string name='title_dashboard'>Instrumententafel</string>
<string name='title_notifications'>Benachrichtigungen</string>
<string name='title_information'>Information</string>

My Answer:
You can use the Google Cloud Translation API to translate strings.xml files to other languages in PHP. Here is an example code snippet to achieve this:


require 'vendor/autoload.php';

use Google\Cloud\Translate\V2\TranslateClient;

// Your Google Cloud Platform project ID
$projectId = 'YOUR_PROJECT_ID';

// Instantiates a client
$translate = new TranslateClient([
'projectId' => $projectId

// Path to your strings.xml file
$xmlFile = 'path/to/strings.xml';

// Load the XML file
$xml = simplexml_load_file($xmlFile);

// Translate each string in the XML file
foreach ($xml->string as $string) {
$sourceText = (string) $string;

// Translate the string to the desired language
$targetLanguage = 'es'; // Change this to the desired target language code
$translation = $translate->translate($sourceText, [
'target' => $targetLanguage

// Update the string with the translated text
$string[0] = $translation['text'];

// Save the translated XML file

echo 'Strings.xml file has been translated successfully!';

Make sure to replace `'YOUR_PROJECT_ID'` with your actual Google Cloud Platform project ID and update the path to your strings.xml file and the desired target language code in the code above.

You will also need to install the Google Cloud Translation API client library for PHP by running `composer require google/cloud-translate` in your project directory.

This code will translate each string in the strings.xml file to the desired target language and save the translated strings in a new XML file.

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