John Davidson

html - Cannot display JPEG image in PHP Laravel project


Does anybody know what can call these files properly?

I'm trying to put text on a JPEG image, and apparently the way I'm calling those 2 files is not working

It is a PHP 7.4 Laravel 8 project and the script is located in a blade view.


// C:\xampp\htdocs\solidcadclass\public\storage\resources\arial.ttf
// C:\xampp\htdocs\solidcadclass\public\storage\resources\template.jpeg

$img = imagecreatefromjpeg('C:\xampp\htdocs\solidcadclass\public\storage\resources\template.jpeg');

$black = imagecolorallocate($img, 0, 0, 0); // OBJ, RGB
$txt = Auth::user()->name;
$font = 'C:\xampp\htdocs\solidcadclass\public\storage\resources\arial.ttf';

$img, // Image object
24, // Font Size
0, // Angle
5, 24, // x,y
$black, // Color
$font, // Font to use
$txt // Text to write

header("Content-type: image/jpeg");

My Answer:
To display a JPEG image in a PHP Laravel project, you can use the following code in your blade view:


Make sure to replace `'path/to/your/image.jpg'` with the actual path to your JPEG image file. The `asset()` helper function is used to generate the URL for the image file.

If you are trying to overlay text on the image, you can use CSS to position the text on top of the image. Here is an example:



Your text here

This code will overlay the text on the center of the image. You can adjust the positioning and styling of the text as needed.

If you are still having trouble displaying the JPEG image, make sure that the path to the image file is correct and that the file permissions are set correctly to allow the web server to access the file.

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