John Davidson

html - Get Multiple itemprop values with xPath and PHP inside a DIV for wordpress?


I have the following code

<div class="content"></div>
<div class="content">
<h3 itemprop="name">Grab this text</h3><div itemprop="description">Grab this text too</div>

How can I grab both those text parts and place them inside variables?
I'm working in WordPress, building a plugin. There are multiple itemprops on the page that I don't want, so I can't select just those.

I've tried

$name = $xpath->query( '//div[@class="content"]//h3[@itemprop="name"]' );

But that doesn't select the second part description and leaves me with an error when I try to echo it.

I think I might have to iterate through them after grabbing the main div, but I'm not sure how to do that, and I looked up a few other stacks that didn't help.


My Answer:
To get multiple itemprop values with xPath and PHP inside a DIV for WordPress, you can use the following code:


$html = '
John Doe

Web Developer

$doc = new DOMDocument();

$xpath = new DOMXPath($doc);

$name = $xpath->query('//div[@itemprop="name"]')->item(0)->nodeValue;
$jobTitle = $xpath->query('//div[@itemprop="jobTitle"]')->item(0)->nodeValue;
$email = $xpath->query('//div[@itemprop="email"]')->item(0)->nodeValue;

echo '' . $name . '
echo '' . $jobTitle . '
echo '' . $email . '';

This code will output the values of the `name`, `jobTitle`, and `email` properties inside a `DIV` with the `itemscope` attribute set to ``. You can modify the HTML string `$html` to include additional `itemprop` values as needed.

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