John Davidson

html - How to search database using PHP with values containing multiple words?


I am working on a project in my PHP course where I have to create a database using SQLite for museums and countries they reside in, connect to that database from a webpage (using PHP/HTML) and generate a list of museums based on country chosen from a drop down list. The issue I am having is that I don't seem to be able to return data from country values with multiple words (United States, United Kingdom, etc.). It is working perfectly for single word countries. There is a pre-selection list generated that has the correct information, but the selection list is not generating correctly.

Here is a database sample (SQLite):

CREATE TABLE museums (
museum_name TEXT NOT NULL,

INSERT INTO museums (museum_name, country) VALUES

('Louvre' , 'France'),
('State Hermitage Museum' , 'Russia'),
('National Museum of China' , 'China'),
('Metropolitan Museum of Art' , 'United States'),
('Vatican Museums' , 'Vatican City'),
('Tokyo National Museum' , 'Japan'),
('National Museum of Anthropology' , 'Mexico'),
('Victoria and Albert Museum' , 'United Kingdom'),
('National Museum of Korea' , 'South Korea'),
('Art Institute of Chicago' , 'United States');

Here is the PHP/HTML Code:


$museumDb = new PDO('sqlite:museum.sqlite');
$query = $museumDb->prepare('SELECT * FROM museums');
$museums = $query->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);

$country = $museumDb->prepare('SELECT DISTINCT country FROM museums ORDER BY country ASC');
$countryLists = $country->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);


<form method="POST"> //selection form
<legend><strong>Select from the drop down list below to narrow your search results by country</strong></legend>

<select name="country" id="country">

<?php foreach($countryLists as $countryList): ?>

<!--Generates drop down list of countries from DB-issue may be here?-->
<option value=<?php print $countryList['country']; ?>><?php print $countryList['country']; ?></option>
<?php endforeach; ?>


<input type="submit" name="submit" value="Submit">


<?php if (isset($_POST) && !empty($_POST)) {
$countryName = htmlspecialchars($_POST['country']); //retrieves POST data from form selection
print $countryName; //testing

$new = $museumDb->prepare("SELECT country, museum_name FROM museums WHERE country = '$countryName'"); //sqlite query setting country = selected country from form
$newLists = $new->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);

print '<pre><code>';
while ($row = $new->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {//testing

var_dump($newLists); //testing query
var_dump($new); //testing
print '</code></pre>';

<table><!--table not generating for countries with two words in name-->
<th>Museum Name</th>

<?php foreach ($newLists as $newList): ?>

<td><?php print $newList['museum_name']; ?></td>
<td><?php print $newList['country']; ?></td>

<?php endforeach; ?>


My Answer:
The issue you are facing is with the SQL query in your PHP code. When you are searching for values containing multiple words in SQLite, you need to enclose the value in single quotes.

Here is the corrected PHP code for searching the database with values containing multiple words:


$museumDb = new PDO('sqlite:museum.sqlite');
$query = $museumDb->prepare('SELECT * FROM museums');
$museums = $query->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);

$country = $museumDb->prepare('SELECT DISTINCT country FROM museums ORDER BY country ASC');
$countryLists = $country->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);


//selection form

Select from the drop down list below to narrow your search results by country

if (isset($_POST) && !empty($_POST)) {
$countryName = htmlspecialchars($_POST['country']); //retrieves POST data from form selection
print $countryName; //testing

$new = $museumDb->prepare("SELECT country, museum_name FROM museums WHERE country = '$countryName'"); //sqlite query setting country = selected country from form
$newLists = $new->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);

print '
while ($row = $new->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {//testing

var_dump($newLists); //testing query
var_dump($new); //testing
print '

Museum Name Country

By enclosing the `$countryName` variable in single quotes in the SQL query, you should now be able to search for values containing multiple words in the database.

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