John Davidson

html - php change image on time


I made a post about this: php time based image wont change right right now i got the time working but still need the 4 images to change correctly.

i made a div with the 4 images in it but now the images need to change on specific times. i gave all the images the class"images" and set the display to none in the css however the images will still show up.

   <!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=UTF-8">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="Site.css">
<title>PHP time based page</title>

function getTime() {
$Time = explode(" ", date('h:i A'));
$time = $Time[0];
if (($Time[1] === "PM") && ($time !== "00:00")) {
$temp = explode(":", $time);
$temp[0] = ((int)$temp[0]) + 12;
$time = implode(":", $temp);
$Moment = "";

if (($time >= "06:00") && ($time < "12:00")) {
$Moment = $Moment . "morning";
define("TIME", "Goodmorning!");
else if(($time >= "12:00") && ($time < "18:00")){
$Moment = $Moment . "afternoon";
define("TIME", "Goodafternoon!");
else if(($time >= "18:00") && ($time < "24:00")){
$Moment = $Moment . "evening";
define("TIME", "Goodevening!");
else {
$Moment = $Moment . "night";
define("TIME", "Goodnight!");

return ["moment" => $Moment, "time" => $time];

function getGreeting() {
return "Good ".getTime()["moment"].", it is now ".getTime()["time"];

$images = [

<p><?php echo getGreeting(); ?></p>
<div class="images">
$moment = getTime()["moment"];
<img src="images/<?php echo $moment; ?>.png" alt="<?php echo $moment; ?>">



padding: 0%;
margin: 0%;
color: white;
height: 700px;

display: none;

so if this is the page, the text should be something like this and the images need to change

My Answer:
"image" and added a unique id to each image. Here's the code to change the image based on time:


Change Image on Time

In this code, we first hide all the images by setting their display property to none using CSS. Then, we get the current hour using `new Date().getHours()` and based on the current time, we display the corresponding image by setting its display property to block.

You can adjust the time ranges and image sources as needed.

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