John Davidson

html - PHP: Print ordered array


I have a simple PHP code where values from the array are ordered from largest to lowest.

I need them to print like basic HTML values with loop.


$kosik = [
"typ" => "ovocna",
"amount" => $ovocnaNUM
"typ" => "slana",
"amount" => $slanaNUM,
"typ" => "sladka",
"amount" => $sladkaNUM

usort($kosik, function ($a, $b) {
return $b["amount"] - $a["amount"];

I need to echo them but when I use this I'ev got error:

foreach($kosik as $key => $value) {
echo "$key - $value <br>";

ERROR: Array to string conversion

But when I use this:

foreach($kosik[0] as $key => $value) {
echo "$key - $value <br>";

I've got no errors but only the first value is printed.

Is there any option how I can print all values with foreach or loop like is printed one value in code above?

My Answer:
You are close, but you need to access the values within each sub-array in your foreach loop. Here is the corrected code:

foreach($kosik as $item) {
foreach($item as $key => $value) {
echo "$key - $value

This will loop through each sub-array in `$kosik` and then loop through each key-value pair within that sub-array to print them out in HTML format.

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