John Davidson

html select - Set option as selected with php


How can I use PHP to set the select option to the one that was chosen when the form was sent? This is my code where I am stuck:

if(isset($_POST['btSubmit'])) {
$selectedOption = $_POST['s']; // Value of selected option … but how to use it below?
<form action="<?php echo $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']; ?>" method="POST">
<select name="s">
<option value="" selected disabled>-- choose one --</option>
<option value="a">choose a</option>
<option value="b">choose b</option>
<input type="submit" name="btSubmit">

So when you send the form with a selected on the next load of the page the a should be selected by default.

My Answer:
You can use PHP to set the selected option in a HTML select element by checking if the value of each option matches the value that was submitted in the form. Here is an example code snippet:


In this code snippet, we are checking if the 'color' value was submitted in the form using `isset($_POST['color'])`. If it was submitted and matches the value of the option, we add the 'selected' attribute to that option.

Make sure to replace 'color' with the name of the select element in your form and adjust the option values accordingly.

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