John Davidson

I have a PHP foreach loop that is displaying not as I am intending due to the letter casing of some of the array keys


I have a foreach loop that is iterating through an associative array, but creating an extra iteration because of the casing of one of the array keys.

The array looks like the below

$this->daily_conversion_data['cnb_utm_totals'] = ["sourceone" => 56, 
"SourceTwo" => 76,
"SourceThree" => 55,
"SourceOne" => 6];

The foreach loop is below:

foreach($this->daily_conversion_data['cnb_utm_totals'] as $utm_source => $utm_data)

I need "sourceone" and "SourceOne" to be combined into one array key. So instead of "sourceone" having a total of 56 "SourceOne" having a total of 6, it would be "SourceOne" having a total of 62. Any help on this would be much appreciated!

My Answer:
>data = array(
"Name" => "John",
"Age" => 25,
"gender" => "Male"

foreach ($this->data as $key => $value) {
echo $key . ": " . $value . "

This code will output:

Name: John
Age: 25
gender: Male

As you can see, the key "gender" is being displayed with a lowercase "g" instead of the intended uppercase "G". This is causing an extra iteration in the foreach loop.

To fix this issue, you can use the strtolower() function to convert the key to lowercase before comparing it in the foreach loop. Here's the updated code:

foreach ($this->data as $key => $value) {
$key = strtolower($key);
echo $key . ": " . $value . "

This will output:

name: John
age: 25
gender: Male

Now the key "gender" is displayed with the correct lowercase "g" and the extra iteration is no longer present.

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