John Davidson

If value is empty or 0,0 echo something else in php


i code a value for my progress bar in percent. But i need a if / else for the case, when supply is "null" and 0,0. Doesn't work so far. Maybe someone can help me out.. what is wrong here. I appreciate it.

case 'supplyper':
$x = $coin->available_supply;
$y = $coin->total_supply;

$percent = $x/$y;
$percent_friendly = number_format( $percent * 100, 0 ) . '%'; // change 2 to # of decimals

if (empty($y)) {
$text = '0';

// Evaluates as true because $var is set
if (isset($y)) {
$text = '' . $percent_friendly . '';

My Answer:
empty or 0. Here is how you can achieve this in PHP:

$value = 0; // This is the value for your progress bar

if(empty($value) || $value == 0) {
echo "Something else"; // Echo something else if value is empty or 0
} else {
echo $value . "%"; // Echo the value with percent sign if it is not empty or 0

You can replace the value of `$value` with your actual progress bar value. This code will check if the value is empty or 0, and echo "Something else" in that case. Otherwise, it will echo the value followed by a percent sign.

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