John Davidson

Image uploads to folder with php


i have an image uploading script with php it work will in localhost server but when I upload the website to my domain server it will upload the image but not in the spathfic folder I set it well set the folders path as part of the image name like

the path is


the image name will be like this

upload\novelimage\...image that uploaded

i didnt no if it is error in the script or the server but i didnt see any need for uploads permission on thier side so i guess that the problem was on the script
here is the script

  //upload files
$avatarname = $_FILES['NovelImage']['name'];
$avatarsize = $_FILES['NovelImage']['size'];
$avatartmp = $_FILES['NovelImage']['tmp_name'];
$avatartype = $_FILES['NovelImage']['type'];

$avatarAllowedextention = array("jpeg", "jpg", "png", "gif");

//get avatar extention

$avatarextention = strtolower(end(explode('.', $avatarname)));
#get the varibles from the form
$Novelname = $_POST['Novelname'];
$Describe = $_POST['Describe'];
$category = $_POST['langOpt3'];
// condtion ? true and false
//check username
$formerrors = array();
if (! empty($avatarname) && ! in_array($avatarextention, $avatarAllowedextention)) {
$formerrors[] = 'avatar extension is not allowed';
if (empty($avatarname)) {
$formerrors[] = 'empty avatar is not allowed';
if ($avatarsize > 4194304) {
$formerrors[] = 'avatar size is bigger than 4mb';
foreach ($formerrors as $error) {
echo '<div class="alert alert-danger">' . $error . '</div>';
if (empty($formerrors)) {
$avatar = rand(0, 1000000) . '_' . $avatarname;

move_uploaded_file($avatartmp, "upload\novelimage\\" . $avatar);

$check = checkitem("NovelName", "novel", $Novelname);

if ($check == 1) {
$theMsg = "<div class='alert alert-danger'>sorry this user name is exit</div>";

redirecthome($theMsg, 'back');
//insert userinfo into database whith this info
$stmt = $con->prepare("INSERT INTO novel(NovelName, NovelImage, description)
VALUES(:znovel, :zNovelImage, :zdescription)");
'znovel' => $Novelname,
'zNovelImage' => $avatar,
'zdescription' => $Describe
$lastid = $con->LastInsertId();
$stmt = $con->prepare("INSERT INTO book_category(novelid, categoryID)
VALUES(:znovelid, :zcategoryID)");
foreach ($category as $cat) {
'znovelid' => $lastid,
'zcategoryID' => $cat

$theMsg = "<div class='alert alert-success '>" . $stmt->rowCount(). 'Record Updated</div>';

redirecthome($theMsg, 'back', 100);

i really cant see any problem here please help

My Answer:
"jpg", "jpeg", "png", "gif"

$avatarExplode = explode(".", $avatarname);
$avatarExtention = end($avatarExplode);

if (in_array($avatarExtention, $avatarAllowedextention)) {
$avatarNewName = "novelimage_" . time() . "." . $avatarExtention;
$avatarPath = "admin/upload/novelimage/" . $avatarNewName;
move_uploaded_file($avatartmp, $avatarPath);
echo "Image uploaded successfully.";
} else {
echo "Invalid file type. Please upload a JPG, JPEG, PNG, or GIF file.";

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