John Davidson

java - Predictive model in Web Application


I want to implement a predictive model in the web application, for that we have created an API which is feeding the data. With that model i have also made the predictions. The next challenge is to get the data back in the web application. Now the web application is in java, PHP, c and CSS while the model is in python, i am trying to run python script in WAMP but I am unable to do it.

My Answer:
To integrate a predictive model in a web application, you can follow these steps:

1. Convert your Python predictive model into a RESTful API using a framework like Flask or Django. This will allow your Java, PHP, and C web application to communicate with the predictive model.

2. Host the Python API on a server, such as AWS or Heroku, so that it can be accessed by your web application.

3. In your Java, PHP, and C web application, make HTTP requests to the Python API to send data and receive predictions. You can use libraries like Apache HttpClient in Java, cURL in PHP, and libcurl in C to make these requests.

4. Parse the response from the Python API in your web application and display the predictions to the user.

By following these steps, you should be able to integrate your predictive model into your web application successfully.

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