John Davidson

java - Unable to edit a string in wordpress theme


I am unable to edit a string in wordpress theme. The theme is not in html so finding source code is tough for me.
This is the source code shown via inspect element:

<div class="art-lg-text art-code mb-25"> &lt;<i>code</i>&gt; 
I love <span class="txt-rotate" data-period="2000" data-rotate="[ &quot;coding.&quot;,&quot;Gaming.&quot;,&quot;photo editing.&quot;,&quot;learning.&quot; ]"><span class="wrap">coding</span></span> &lt;/<i>code</i>&gt;</div>

I want to remove &lt;<i>code</i>&gt and &lt;/<i>code</i>&gt which is shown as <code>.....</code> on my homepage.
Unfortunately, the index.php and home.php just have references. They don't have a whole code for home page that index.html files generally have.
I searched all files in my theme but couldn't find it. I searched the word "code" in my theme folder using string locator plugin but it gave 2300+ results! I deleted some related CSS classes and removed related contents from demo/01/content.xml.
Still couldn't get rid of it.
Where could I find & remove <code> </code> without removing the contents within it.

My Answer:
If you are unable to edit a string in a WordPress theme because you cannot find the source code, you can try the following steps:

1. Log in to your WordPress dashboard.
2. Go to Appearance > Theme Editor.
3. In the Theme Editor, look for the file that contains the string you want to edit. This could be in the header.php, footer.php, functions.php, or any other template file.
4. Once you have located the file, search for the specific string you want to edit.
5. Make the necessary changes to the string and click on the Update File button to save your changes.

If you are still unable to find the source code or make the necessary changes, you may need to contact the theme developer for assistance or consider hiring a developer to help you with the customization.

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