John Davidson

javascript - Cookie PHP LARAVEL


I have a cookie created in PHP with the jQuery method where the client enters a value in an input and this cookie is created with that Value while more values are created with a comma.

Example Creation cookie in jQuery:

<script type="text/javascript">
$(function () {
$("#btnAdd").click(function () {
if($('#addtokendelivery').val() === ''){
alert('Valor en Blanco');
else {
if ($.cookie('DeliveryToken')) {
$.cookie("DeliveryToken", $.cookie("DeliveryToken") + ',' + $("#addtokendelivery").val());
alert('Repartidores Agregados con Token´s: ' + $.cookie("DeliveryToken"));
} else{
$.cookie("DeliveryToken", $("#addtokendelivery").val());
alert('Repartidor Agregado con Token: ' + $.cookie("DeliveryToken"));
$("#btnRead").click(function () {

Example cookie in google chrome value:

DeliveryToken: value1,value2,value3

Example of variable to compare with in laravel:

$orderitemaddons32 = DB::table('users')->where('id', $id)->first();
$orderitemaddons32 = $orderitemaddons32->userdelivery_id;
//result variable dd laravel

For example, if it detects that the value 1 is inside the cookie, it proceeds to display the page.

What I want is to verify in the laravel blade if the cookie matches the information of the variable that it creates in my function and to show the page, otherwise not to show it or to put a message that the information is not valid.

My Answer:
// Get the value from the input
var value = $('#input').val();

// Create the cookie with the value
document.cookie = "myCookie=" + value + "; path=/";

// Append more values with a comma
var moreValues = "value1,value2,value3";
document.cookie = "myCookie=" + moreValues + "; path=/";

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