John Davidson

javascript - how to apply reset button selected value


code is php dynamic, how to aplly reset button i am applying many more step please help me this right or wrong and how to right way say me.
code is php dynamic, how to aplly reset button i am applying many more step please help me this right or wrong and how to right way say me.

<div style="margin-top:2%;display:none; " id="filt_box" id="reset">    
<div class="col-md-12">
<div class="form-group col-sm-4">
<label for="filter_seller_user">Sellers</label>
<select class="form-control-dropdown" id="filter_seller_user" name="filter_seller_user[]"
@foreach($seller_user as $key=>$value)
<option value="{{$value->id}}">{{$value->name}}</option>
<div class="form-group col-sm-4">
<label for="filter_generated_by_user">Generated By</label>
<select class="form-control-dropdown" id="filter_generated_by_user"
name="filter_generated_by_user[]" multiple="multiple">
@foreach($clients_user as $key=>$value)
<option value="clients_user-{{$value->id}}">{{$value->name}}</option>
@foreach($main_clients_user as $key=>$value)
<option value="main_clients_user-{{$value->id}}">{{$value->name}}</option>
<div class="form-group col-sm-4">
<label for="filter_generated_by_user">Business Name</label>
<input type="tetx" name="filter_business_name" id="filter_business_name" class="form-control">
<div class="col-md-12 div_btn">
<div id="err_date" class="text-danger"></div>
<button class="btn" id="btn_filter_submit" onclick="show_report_data();">Go</button>
<button class="btn" id="btn_filter_submit" onclick="show_reset_data();">Clear</button>

using multiple try javascript code but not apply any changes

<script src="{{asset('assets/js/jquery.min.js')}}"></script>
function show_reset_data() {
$("reset").each(function() { this.selectedIndex = 0 });
function show_reset_data() {
function show_reset_data() {

My Answer:
To create a reset button in JavaScript that resets the selected value of a form element, you can use the following code:


Reset Button Example

In this code snippet, we have a form with a select element and a reset button. When the reset button is clicked, the `resetSelect` function is called, which resets the form to its initial state, clearing the selected value of the select element.

You can customize this code to fit your specific PHP dynamic content by dynamically populating the select options using PHP and then applying the reset functionality as shown above.

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