John Davidson

javascript - how to get a value from a form blade index to jquery from blade edit?


i want to edit from one annonces, then the form of balde edit changes according to souscotegory_id, me i want to know souscategory_id comes from blade index to jquery from blade edit, in my case it gives me null.


<a href="{{ url('annonces/'.$annonce->id.'/edit') }}" class="btn btn-primary btn-sm"><span class="fa fa-edit"></span></a>


 public function edit($id)
$annonce = Annonce::find($id);
return view('annonces.edit')->with([
'annonce' => $annonce


let souscategory_id = window.sessionStorage.getItem('souscategory_id');

My Answer:
In order to pass the `souscategory_id` from the blade index to jQuery in the blade edit, you can use a hidden input field in your form in the blade index to store the value of `souscategory_id`. Then, you can access this hidden input field value in your jQuery script in the blade edit.

Here is an example of how you can achieve this:

1. In your `index.blade.php` file, add a hidden input field to store the `souscategory_id` value:


2. In your jQuery script in the `edit.blade.php` file, you can access the value of `souscategory_id` using the following code:

$(document).ready(function() {
var souscategory_id = $('#souscategory_id').val();
console.log(souscategory_id); // This will log the value of souscategory_id to the console

By following these steps, you should be able to pass the `souscategory_id` value from the blade index to jQuery in the blade edit.

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