John Davidson

javascript - Is it possible to include / embed a TCPDF document on a html webpage?


I am having a problem. I am wanting to use html2canvas to print a PDF (generated by TCPDF) which has been embedded on a page.
Sorry for the very bad drawing, but the PDF needs to be embedded in the page like this.

Usually for putting a PDF on a page with TCPDF I just an iframe to include the url. But since html2canvas doesn't support printing iframes, that won't work. Using a $().load(); to try and load it into a div does not work, just creates a bunch of gibberish letters. I'm just wondering if anyone has any experience with this or knows how it might be possible.

Ultimately I'm trying to print the pdf without actually creating a PDF file

My Answer:
Unfortunately, it is not possible to directly embed a TCPDF document on a HTML webpage. TCPDF generates PDF files, which are not directly renderable in a browser like HTML content.

One possible solution could be to convert the TCPDF document into an image format (such as PNG or JPEG) using a library like ImageMagick or Ghostscript, and then display the image on the webpage. This way, you can use html2canvas to capture the image and print it.

Another option could be to use a PDF viewer library like PDF.js to display the PDF document on the webpage. PDF.js is a JavaScript library that can render PDF files in a browser using HTML5 canvas. You can then use html2canvas to capture the rendered PDF and print it.

Overall, it may not be straightforward to achieve your goal of printing a TCPDF document without creating a PDF file, but with some creative solutions and the right libraries, it may be possible to achieve your desired outcome.

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