John Davidson

javascript - Live update score on a PHP scoreboard for user


I want live score board screen in PHP. I have completed all on click button + or - score board is dynamically change score. But we need to refresh page look latest score. I want as we click + or - button to change score that score should be directly update score on screen for user without refreshing page.

How can I create a solution for this?

My Answer:
To achieve a live update score on a PHP scoreboard without refreshing the page, you can use AJAX to send requests to the server and update the score dynamically. Here's a basic example of how you can implement this:

1. Create a PHP file (e.g., `update_score.php`) that will handle the score update logic. This file should receive the new score value and update the score in the database or any other storage mechanism.

2. In your main PHP file that displays the scoreboard, include jQuery library and write JavaScript code to send AJAX requests to `update_score.php` whenever the score needs to be updated. Here's an example code snippet:


Live Scoreboard

Score: 0

3. In `update_score.php`, retrieve the new score value from the POST request, update the score in the database, and return the updated score value. Here's an example code snippet:

// Update the score in the database
$newScore = $_POST['newScore'];

// Perform any necessary validation and update logic here

// Return the updated score value
echo $newScore;

With this setup, whenever the "Increase Score" button is clicked, an AJAX request will be sent to `update_score.php` to update the score on the server. Once the server updates the score, the updated score value will be returned and displayed on the screen without refreshing the page.

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