John Davidson

kirby - add an incrementing number to id with php


I am making a portfolio site with kirby cms.
my site is a single page website. I want to add an incrementing number after id by using foreach in the part shown in the code below..!
Is there easy way to do..?

<?php foreach ($pages->listed() as $p): ?>
<div class="slideshow">
<div class="slideshow-box">
<div class="slideshow-holder">
<?php foreach ($p->images() as $workimage): ?>
<div class="slide">
<?= $workimage ?><br><br>
<?php endforeach ?>
<div class="tooltip">
<p id="myText????<here>"><?= $p->worktitle() ?></p>
<div class="toolbox" id="myDIV????<here>">
<?= $p->description() ?>

<div class="actions">

<a href="#" class="prev">←</a>
<a href="#" class="next">→</a>
<?php endforeach ?>

var button????<here> = document.getElementById('myText????<here>');
var div????<here> = document.getElementById('myDIV????<here>');

div????<here>.style.display = 'none';

button????<here>.onclick = function () {
if (div????<here>.style.display !== 'none') {
div????<here>.style.display = 'none';
} else {
div????<here>.style.display = 'block';

My Answer:
Yes, you can easily add an incrementing number to the id by using a counter variable in your foreach loop. Here's an example of how you can achieve this:

$counter = 1; // Initialize counter variable

foreach ($items as $item) {
// Output the item with an incrementing number in the id
echo '
' . $item . '

$counter++; // Increment the counter variable

In this code snippet, the `$counter` variable is initialized outside the foreach loop and incremented after each iteration. This way, you can easily add an incrementing number to the id of each item in your portfolio site.

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