John Davidson

laravel - PHP Singleton returns different values with spl_object_hash


I'm creating a singleton with PHP like this.

namespace App\Http\Controllers;

use App\classes\Test;

class TestController extends Controller
private static $test_obj;

private function __construct()

public static function get()
if (self::$test_obj === null) {
self::$test_obj = new Test();
return self::$test_obj;

Then I tried to test the code like this:

namespace App\Http\Controllers;

class MainController extends Controller
public function index()
$test_obj = TestController::get();

At this point it returns different hash values. But it's supposed to return the same hash value since this is a Singleton right?

Note - spl_object_id() always returns the same object id though.

My Answer:
The issue here is that `spl_object_hash()` generates a unique identifier for an object based on its properties and state. Since you are creating a new instance of the `Test` class every time `TestController::get()` is called, the objects will have different properties and states, resulting in different hash values.

To make sure that `TestController::get()` always returns the same instance of the `Test` class (i.e., a true Singleton), you need to modify your code to ensure that only one instance of the `Test` class is created and returned. One way to achieve this is by using a static property to hold the instance of the `Test` class, like so:

namespace App\Http\Controllers;

use App\classes\Test;

class TestController extends Controller
private static $test_obj;

private function __construct()

public static function get()
if (self::$test_obj === null) {
self::$test_obj = new Test();
return self::$test_obj;

With this modification, `TestController::get()` will always return the same instance of the `Test` class, and calling `spl_object_hash(TestController::get())` multiple times should now return the same hash value.

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