John Davidson

linux - PHP exec, wget download file to specific directory


I'm attempting to download a file with wget using PHP exec to a specific directory and it is not working. No errors are showing either?

Here is my code:

$filename = 'test2.mp4';
$source = '';

var_dump(exec('wget -b -o '.$filename.' '.$source.' -p /home/mywebsite/public_html/assets/videos/ -h 2>&1', $output, $errno), $output, $errno);

What did i do wrong in my wget command?

-b so download runs in background

-o to rename the file to test2.mp4

-p to download to specific directory

How do i solve?

My Answer:
There are a few issues with your code.

1. The `-p` flag in wget is used to specify the directory prefix where all files and subdirectories will be saved to, not the destination directory for the downloaded file.
2. The `-h` flag is not a valid flag for wget.
3. You are not properly escaping the file name and source URL in the exec command.

Here is the corrected code:

$filename = 'test2.mp4';
$source = '';
$destination = '/home/mywebsite/public_html/assets/videos/';

$escapedFilename = escapeshellarg($filename);
$escapedSource = escapeshellarg($source);
$escapedDestination = escapeshellarg($destination);

exec("wget -b -o $escapedFilename $escapedSource -P $escapedDestination");

In this code snippet, we use `escapeshellarg` to properly escape the file name, source URL, and destination directory. We also use the `-P` flag to specify the destination directory for the downloaded file.

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