John Davidson

Looking for help using php variable date in html


Hi im trying to use this date picker but i want it to allow user to only pick between two dates from php variables min is the earliest pickable date and max is the latest this is one variant of what i have tried but none have worked so far.

Any help is apreciated in advance

Choose your preferred party date (required, April 1st to 20th):
<input type="date" name="party" min="<?= echo date($minLanding)>" max="<?= echo date($maxLanding)>" required>
<span class="validity"></span>


My Answer:
You can achieve this by using the min and max attributes in the input tag for the date picker. Here's an example of how you can use PHP variables to set the min and max dates for the date picker:


Date Picker with Min and Max Dates

In this example, `$min` and `$max` are PHP variables that contain the earliest and latest pickable dates, respectively. The `date()` function is used to format these dates in the required format for the min and max attributes of the date picker input.

Make sure that the PHP variables `$min` and `$max` are defined and have valid date values before using them in the HTML code. This should allow users to only pick dates between the specified min and max dates.

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