John Davidson

Mamp pro install php 8


I have a MAMP PRO version 5.6 installed on my Mac.

I need to add php-8 version to my Mamp.

Can't find a solution. Please advice.


My Answer:
To install PHP 8 on MAMP PRO, you can follow these steps:

1. Download PHP 8 from the official PHP website ( or any other trusted source.

2. Extract the downloaded PHP 8 files to a folder on your computer.

3. Open MAMP PRO and go to File > Edit Template > PHP.

4. In the PHP Template Editor, click on the "+" button to add a new PHP version.

5. In the PHP Version dropdown menu, select "Custom" and then click on the folder icon next to the PHP Path field.

6. Navigate to the folder where you extracted the PHP 8 files and select the PHP executable file (e.g., php.exe or php).

7. Click on the Save button to save the changes.

8. Restart MAMP PRO to apply the changes.

Now you should be able to select PHP 8 as a PHP version for your MAMP PRO projects.

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