John Davidson

mysql - How to get real time balance in php


For example I have a variable $opening_balance = 5000; Now more transactions are taking place with debit and credit and I want to fetch data from database and want to print real time balance at the end of each row. Following is is an example what I want exactly in my results.

| Sr No. | Description | Debit | Credit | Balance |
| 1. | Debit | 500 | - | 4500 |
| 1. | Credit | - | 1000 | 5500 |
| 1. | Debit | 200 | - | 5300 |

Following is my code: -

$query = mysqli_query($conn, "SELECT * FROM patty_cash WHERE month(date) = '11' AND year(date) = '2020' ");
while($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($query))
$newBalance = $opening_balance + $credit - $debit;
echo "<tr>

But I am not getting accurate balance. Please suggest what to do to get accurate balance.

My Answer:
You need to update the $opening_balance variable inside the loop to keep track of the real-time balance. Here is the updated code:

$query = mysqli_query($conn, "SELECT * FROM patty_cash WHERE month(date) = '11' AND year(date) = '2020'");
$opening_balance = 5000; // Initial opening balance
while($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($query))
$newBalance = $opening_balance + $credit - $debit;
echo "
$opening_balance = $newBalance; // Update opening balance for next iteration

By updating the $opening_balance variable inside the loop, you will be able to calculate the real-time balance accurately for each row.

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