John Davidson

NetSuite PHP Toolkit Time Entry Search


// Token-based Authentication
require 'vendor/autoload.php';

use NetSuite\NetSuiteService;

$config = array(
// required -------------------------------------
"endpoint" => "2019_1",
"host" => "",
"email" => "[email protected]",
"password" => "Mypassword",
"role" => "12345",
"account" => "7654321",
$service = new NetSuiteService($config);
$service->setSearchPreferences(true, 20);

use NetSuite\Classes\SearchDateField;
use NetSuite\Classes\TimeEntrySearch;
use NetSuite\Classes\TimeEntrySearchBasic;
use NetSuite\Classes\TimeEntrySearchAdvanced;
use NetSuite\Classes\SearchRequest;

//Search Date
$SearchField = new SearchDateField();
$SearchField->searchValue = '2021-05-01T00:16:11+00:00';
$SearchField->operator = "after";
$ItemSearchBasic = new TimeEntrySearchBasic();
$ItemSearchBasic->lastModified = $SearchField;

$ItemSearch = new TimeEntrySearch();
$ItemSearch->basic = $ItemSearchBasic;

$search = new TimeEntrySearchAdvanced();
$search->columns = "TimeEntrySearchRow";
$search->criteria = $ItemSearch;

$request = new SearchRequest();
$request->searchRecord = $search;

$searchResponse = $service->search($request);
echo "<pre>";print_r($searchResponse);die();
if (!$searchResponse->searchResult->status->isSuccess) {
} else {
echo "SEARCH SUCCESS, records found: " . $searchResponse->searchResult->totalRecords . "\n";
$records = $searchResponse->searchResult->searchRowList->searchRow;

foreach ($records as $record) {
echo "Name: " . $record->basic->name->searchValue . "\n";


I'm trying to get the last Time Entry in NetSuite filter by lastModified operator "After", I don't know what I'm doing wrong.

The error message is: -> The ''Timesheets'' feature is not enabled in your NetSuite account.

What do I need to activate?

My Answer:
To search for time entries in NetSuite using the PHP Toolkit, you can use the `TimeEntrySearchBasic` object. Here is an example code snippet to perform a time entry search:

require_once 'NetSuiteService.php';

$service = new NetSuiteService();

$search = new TimeEntrySearchBasic();
$search->type = new SearchEnumMultiSelectField();
$search->type->operator = 'anyOf';
$search->type->searchValue = array('_timeEntry');

$request = new SearchRequest();
$request->searchRecord = $search;

$searchResponse = $service->search($request);

if (!$searchResponse->searchResult->status->isSuccess) {
echo "Search failed: " . $searchResponse->searchResult->status->statusDetail[0]->message;
} else {
$timeEntries = $searchResponse->searchResult->recordList;

foreach ($timeEntries as $timeEntry) {
// Process each time entry
echo "Time Entry ID: " . $timeEntry->internalId . "\n";
echo "Date: " . $timeEntry->date->searchValue . "\n";
echo "Hours: " . $timeEntry->hours->searchValue . "\n";
// Add more fields as needed

In this code snippet, we first create a `TimeEntrySearchBasic` object and set the search criteria (in this case, searching for all time entries). We then create a `SearchRequest` object and set the searchRecord to our `TimeEntrySearchBasic` object. We then call the `search` method on the `NetSuiteService` object to perform the search.

If the search is successful, we iterate through the results and process each time entry as needed. You can add more fields to the output as required for your use case.

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