John Davidson

oracle10g - Need to install PHP 5.6 into RHEL 8.3 with supporting sybase and oci8


I have to install PHP 5.6 in RHEL 8.3
Must have sybase and oracle module as these are used for database connections.
What do I have to add to php installation to get these modules installed as well?

PHP 7 or above versions were not considered because doesnt support sybase module

Otherwise which version of php and rhel should i use to work with sybase ASE 15

My Answer:
To install PHP 5.6 with support for Sybase and Oracle modules on RHEL 8.3, you can follow these steps:

1. Add the EPEL repository to your system:

sudo yum install

2. Install the Remi repository for PHP 5.6:

sudo yum install

3. Enable the Remi repository for PHP 5.6:

sudo yum module enable php:remi-5.6

4. Install PHP 5.6 and the required modules:

sudo yum install php php-sybase php-oci8

5. Restart the Apache web server:

sudo systemctl restart httpd

If you need to work with Sybase ASE 15, it is recommended to use PHP 5.6 with RHEL 8.3 as PHP 7 and above do not support the Sybase module.

Alternatively, you can consider using an older version of RHEL (such as RHEL 7) which may have better compatibility with Sybase ASE 15. However, keep in mind that using older versions of RHEL may have security implications and may not be recommended for production environments.

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