John Davidson

php - Access value of object from json_decode


I'm trying to access at value of key->value,

this is my var_dump of $data = json_decode($_POST['data']);

array(8) {
[0]=> object(stdClass) {
["key"]=> string(7) "address"
["value"]=> string(16) "via le mani dal "
[1]=> object(stdClass) {
["key"]=> string(21) "tempistica_in_vendita"
["value"]=> string(18) "Tra più di 3 mesi"

how can I access to "Tra più di 3 mesi" asking the value of tempistica_in_vendita ?

My Answer:
To access the value of a key from an object decoded using `json_decode`, you can simply use the arrow operator `->` to access the key's value. Here's an example:

$json = '{"key": "value"}';
$obj = json_decode($json);

echo $obj->key; // Output: value

In this example, we first decode the JSON string into an object using `json_decode`. Then, we access the value of the key "key" using the arrow operator `->`.

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