John Davidson

php - Add a string before the last slash in other string


I've pulled the current URL into a variable. So my url is in variable $url.

Example of the $url = 'http://domain.test/en/offers/guided-tours/neighbourhoods/academy-traces-of-the-academy-in-antwerp/'

Now I want to add a new variable ($venueSlug) before the last slash. Example of value from that variable $venueSlug = 'antwerp-city-guided';

The wanted result would be

$newUrl = 'http://domain.test/en/offers/guided-tours/neighbourhoods/antwerp-city-guides/academy-traces-of-the-academy-in-antwerp/'

My code looks like this:

function custom_post_type_link_venue ($urlsub, $post) {

//get venue slug
$venueSlug = get_post_field( 'post_name', $venueId );

if (!empty($venueSlug)) {
if (substr_count($urlsub, $replace) == 0) {
$urlsub = str_replace($s=strrchr($urlsub, '/'), "'/'$venueSlug.$s", $urlsub);



return $urlsub;

But it adds the new variable before every slash:

http://'/'.antwerp-city-guides./'/'.antwerp-city-guides./antwerp.test'/'.antwerp-city-guides./en'/'.antwerp-city-guides./offers'/'.antwerp-city-guides./guided-tours'/'.antwerp-city-guides./neighbourhoods'/'.antwerp-city-guides./academy-traces-o…ademy-in-antwerp'/'.antwerp-city-guides./ ‎

My Answer:
$venueSlug . $s, $urlsub); // Add $venueSlug before the last slash

return $urlsub;

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